Project Details
GFY was responsible for the reconstruction of the site infrastructure of the entire 39.8-acre, 1,902-student Largo High School Campus as a part of the Harvard Jolly Architecture design team. Services provided included planning, design, permitting, and construction of two phases of construction including a complete temporary campus with re-locatable buildings and the final new campus.
The on-site design included a new building layout, parking, bus circulation, parent circulation, baseball and softball fields, stormwater management, sanitary, water, fire, and gas utilities, and a pedestrian trail through the site. The offsite infrastructure required for the new school includes roadway improvements to Missouri Ave (SR 651), reconstruction of 1st Ave NE, and relocation of an FDOT 36” storm drain and 12” city sanitary sewer. Special design services were provided to allow the new school to be an emergency shelter with adequate water supply and sewer capacity during an emergency event. Vacations or rights-of-way and a replat were also provided. Permitting was coordinated through the following agencies: the City of Largo, Pinellas County, SWFWMD (2 permits), FDOT, and FDEP.